La revista fue fundada en 1854.

In 1912, British Journal of Photography devoted many of its pages to the increasingly popular hand cameras such as the Bébé released by Carl Zeiss. The Journal had this to say about this model: «Reduction of the hand camera to the smallest dimensions has become an accomplished fact within the past year or two—a fulfilment of the prophecy uttered many years ago in this Almanac by the late Piazzi Smythe, who, we believe, was the first to dwell upon the efficiency of a lens of large aperture and short focus for hand-camera work. Such a lens, however, is of little service unless it is united with precise construction and extreme rigidity in the camera [...] In no instrument has this been accomplished with greater success than in the Bébé pocket camera, which Messrs. Carl Zeiss have introduced, fitted with their f/4.5 "Tessar" of focal length 7 1/2 cm.»
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